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When MHIRA is installed, it has one user role and one user account pre-intalled. You will need to use this account to create access for other roles and users.

The person installing MHIRA (see intallation guide), will set a password during this installation. You will need this password for your first login to MHIRA.

Using your internet browser, navigate to the URL (address entered into the browser, e.g., under which MHIRA is accessible for you. This will be take you to a login screen. Enter the username: superadmin and the password.

Now, the software will force you to change the password for the superadmin. Make sure that the password is strong. Also make sure to save this password in a secure location or to remember it. In case you lose this password, there is a recovery procedure but it will need access to the command line of the server.


The superadmin account has all the permissions you can have in MHIRA. However, it can not be changed. Thus, the superadmin cannot be assigned to any department. Consequently, you cannot create patients with this account.


We recommend only using the superadmin account to create other (e.g., administration) accounts and set initial roles and persmissions. Use accounts with more restricted access for daily activities.